On Fear

I lay awake at night and I feel afraid. I’m afraid for my children, afraid for my wife, afraid for my parents, afraid for all the people I love and what could happen to them. For some reason I was laying in bed the other night, being afraid, and the national anthem popped into my…

What the Fuck Does the Second Amendment Actually Mean?

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The amendment was passed by Congress on September 25, 1789 and ratified on December 15, 1791 as part of the…

The Sugar Maple Bubble: The Attempt to End Slavery with Maple Sugar

  Sugar Maple Tree             Acer Sacharinum, The sugar maple tree. Every year, about this time, thousands of Sugar Maples are tapped so that the sap can be collected. Boiled it becomes syrup or even maple sugar. And there for a very brief time in the early 1790’s intersected abolitionists, land speculators and…

Henry Brockholst Livingston: Soldier, Lawyer, Duelist, Judge

Henry Brockholst Livingston   Henry Brockholst Livingston or Brockholst Livingston as he preferred to be called was born on November 25, 1757, the son of William Livingston, future governor of New Jersey, and his wife Susanna French Livingston. He was educated, eventually graduating from the College of New Jersey in 1774. One of his classmates…


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